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Embracing the Elephant in the Room: A Look at the Size of the Webinar Industry

Embracing the Elephant in the Room: A Look at the Size of the Webinar Industry | GlobalEdgeMarkets

I’m often asked questions about the size of the webinar industry – it’s undoubtedly the elephant in the GlobalEdgeMarkets conference. How many webinars are hosted every year? How many professionals watch webinars and how many do they watch per month? To date, I have not come across definitive statistics, or really anything close to them. […]

Crowdsourcing: A Social Business Solution

Crowdsourcing: A Social Business Solution | GlobalEdgeMarkets

“No matter who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else.” Bill Joy, Cofounder, Sun Microsystems Tweet The word Crowdsourcing was coined by Jeff Howe in 2006, a portmanteau of the words ‘crowd’ and ‘outsourcing.’ It is used to describe the phenomenon using group intelligence to solve problems and complete projects. A […]

The Endless Possibilities for Content Marketing

The Endless Possibilities for Content Marketing | GlobalEdgeMarkets

“Content is of great importance, but we must not underestimate the value of style.” – Maya Angelou As content marketing is becoming the go-to strategy for reaching target audiences online, platforms are springing up across the Internet to take advantage of this booming marketing trend. From CRM systems to content publishing and automation tools, there’s […]

Social Referrals: The Value of Digital Friendship

Social Referrals: The Value of Digital Friendship | GlobalEdgeMarkets

Last week here at GlobalEdgeMarkets, we discussed the functionality of social media marketing especially the idea of social referrals. We gave the example of a list of 10,000 consumers that could potentially be contacted through e-mail or social media with discounts to be offered. While direct e-mail was limited to the 10,000 consumers, and the […]

Build it and They Will Come: Construct an Engaged Social Network for your Business

Creating a Buzz: How to Use Social Media to Generate a Buzz | GlobalEdgeMarkets

The word networking can, for many, conjure up images of awkward conversations at conferences, forced laughs and the collecting of business cards. It shouldn’t. In today’s world social networks have made it easier than ever before for you to build an engaged network for your business. Creating and expanding your online network is an incredibly […]

Infographics: Capturing Online Attention

Creating a Buzz: How to Use Social Media to Generate a Buzz | GlobalEdgeMarkets

Are you one of the 65% of the world’s population that are “visual learners” Often it can feel like there is too much information on the web and too little time to take it all in. That’s where the infographic comes in. In this digital age we have short attention spans (stay with me people! There […]

Creating a Buzz: How to Use Social Media to Generate a Buzz

Creating a Buzz: How to Use Social Media to Generate a Buzz | GlobalEdgeMarkets

It is no exaggeration to say that if you’re not social, it’s like you’re not even there. Social media has become critical in creating a buzz around new products/businesses and marketing in general. Creating a buzz around a new product or service is an integral part of any online marketing campaign. The aim of buzz […]

Social Scalability: Media, Metrics, and Measurement

Social Scalability: Media, Metrics, and Measurement | GlobalEdgeMarkets

When it comes to social media marketing, the questions commonly asked are “How can you scale your social media?” or “Is social media even scalable?”The answer to the latter is “Absolutely.”Social media scalability can become a rather intuitive process if you have the right tools in place. It all comes down to the metrics and […]

Content Marketing: From the Written Page to the Visual Stage

Content Marketing: From the Written Page to the Visual Stage | GlobalEdgeMarkets

If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, Then Is a Video Worth a Million? ~ Greg Jarboe Content marketing Content marketing has become a central strategy for marketers as traditional marketing expands to encompass social media and the many platforms it entails From blogging to social networks to website landing pages themselves, content marketing […]

How Gamification Done Right Drives ROI

How Gamification Done Right Drives ROI | GlobalEdgeMarkets

For better or worse, nearly everyone enjoys a little friendly competition. A study by JWT Intelligence found that 63% of surveyed adults agreed that making everyday activities more like a game would make them more fun and rewarding. With this in mind, how can businesses capitalize on their customers’ love for game-like experiences? Implementing an […]

YouTube’s Traffic Comes From Mobile (what does this mean for you?)

YouTube’s Traffic Comes From Mobile (what does this mean for you?) | GlobalEdgeMarkets

With the proliferation of mobile devices in recent years, it should come as no surprise that many top websites are reporting users are accessing their sites from mobile devices at a rate which is increasing exponentially. This is evidenced through statistics recently released by Google showing how often YouTube is accessed via mobile devices such […]