Operational Risk Management
about the service
Mitigating Risk and Ensuring Continuity
Every organization faces circumstances that can present varying levels of risk to that business, making Operational Risk Management (ORM) necessary to avoid potential business disasters. Achieve your strategic objectives while ensuring business continuity and strengthening confidence among stakeholders by consulting with GEM to manage your operational risks.
ORM is continuously managing the risk of loss resulting from ineffective or failed internal processes, people, systems, or external events that can disrupt the flow of business operations. Operational risk can refer to both the risk in operating an organization and the processes management uses when implementing, training, and enforcing policies. Operational risk may result in an organizational failure that can harm a company’s bottom line and reputation.
some stats
Risk assessment is a three-part process that includes risk identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation.
Wondering if your company needs a risk management assessment?
Look no further! We have all the answers you need in our 2-pager which you can quickly download below.
what we can do for you
- We offer comprehensive and proactive risk management strategies to help your company secure its future. With our cutting-edge risk management solutions, companies can stay ahead of the curve and be prepared for any potential risks.
- Our experienced risk experts will evaluate all aspects of the company's operations and develop a tailored strategy that helps your company protect its assets and profits while improving overall efficiency.
- First, we will identify all potential risks that could hurt your business's operations. This includes both internal and external dangers, such as legal or regulatory risks, fraud or theft, technological or data security threats, inadequate compliance practices, and more. We need to be thorough when identifying these risks to create a comprehensive risk assessment plan.
- Once we've identified all the potential risks to your business's operations, we will assess them to prioritize which ones need attention first. You should consider the likelihood of each risk occurring as well as its potential severity if it does happen. This will allow you to focus on the most pressing threats before moving on to less critical ones.
- After you've identified and assessed your risks, we will create a plan to mitigate them successfully. This may include implementing new policies or procedures, regularly reviewing your operations for weaknesses or vulnerabilities, investing in technology or training programs to help reduce potential losses from operational issues, and more.
- Depending on the complexity of your business operations and the scope of the risks involved, this may require input from several different departments or stakeholders within your organization.
- By developing an effective ORM strategy for your business, you can significantly reduce the chances of experiencing costly losses due to operational issues in the future.
What is Risk Management in times of crisis?
Risk Management is when a company recognizes and prioritizes risks and then finds ways to monitor and control the likelihood of negative events or capitalize on opportunities. Doing this while already in times of crisis adds another layer of complexity— how can you prepare for what’s coming while the world around you is changing at an incredible rate?
Answer: Find expert advice and update your risk management strategies plan now.
Making a Risk Management Plan
ORM covers everything from assessing potential losses due to fraud or cyber-attack to understanding how regulatory changes may impact the organization. It requires organizations to identify potential risks before they occur and develop strategies to mitigate them if they come to fruition.
Other than ORM helping to protect against unforeseen events or threats that could otherwise derail a company’s progress, it can also help organizations identify opportunities for growth in areas where there was previously uncertainty or risk. By understanding what types of risks their operations are exposed to and developing plans to mitigate them, companies can better prepare themselves for future challenges and uncertainties that may arise during business.
Furthermore, ORM enables organizations to create more efficient processes and systems that reduce errors and waste while improving productivity and profitability. This makes it easier for businesses to stay competitive in their respective markets by increasing efficiency while reducing costs associated with preventable losses.
Effective ORM practices also help businesses comply with applicable regulations, which can help them avoid costly fines or penalties associated with noncompliance.
No matter what industry you operate in, Operational Risk Management should be top of mind when it comes to ensuring your long-term success as a business owner or executive leader.
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