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The Endless Possibilities for Content Marketing

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“Content is of great importance, but we must not underestimate the value of style.” – Maya Angelou

As content marketing is becoming the go-to strategy for reaching target audiences online, platforms are springing up across the Internet to take advantage of this booming marketing trend. From CRM systems to content publishing and automation tools, there’s a platform for everything. Content marketing is the power tool for GlobalEdgeMarkets brands, with over 90% of customers finding custom content useful (Business 2 Community).

As consumers expect more content production from brands across the Internet, there is high demand for content publishing and socializing across media from photos to infographics to videos to whitepapers and webinars. As this demand grows, so does the demand for hubs for all of this content. Enter sites like Quora, Betterific and the up-and-coming Hublished, all avenues for content publishing, socializing, industry expertise, sharing, and more..

Got a Question? Quora Has Answers (And So Should You)

Betterific: Making the World a Better Place One Suggestion at a Time

We joke about Betterific being a site basically for the purpose of complaining about things people don’t like, but it’s actually a productive platform making suggestions for change and seeing how the public responds. Betterific describes itself as a “digital suggestion box” where people can throw any idea out there, and if it actually is a good one it moves up in visibility and generates more engagement, a following, and ultimately loyalty to the idea (and therefore your brand if you use it correctly).

It is a unique content platform that allows for the subtlest of marketing, where you can pose suggestions that ultimately benefit your brand. This must be done with the utmost skill, as it presents itself as more of a community-based platform where “corporate” messaging doesn’t really have a place, but if you send individuals representing your brand on this platform to share ideas and ultimately content, you may have some success. “Join a movement of smart, creative, passionate people that have a vision to make things better,” while also promoting your marketing agenda.

Hublished: Your Hub To Pub(lish Content)

Hublished is making a name for itself in a different kind of content marketing than many of the traditional platforms. Although still a work in progress, Hublished is on track to be the ultimate destination for organizing, chronicling, sharing, and socializing eBooks, White Papers, and Webinars all in one place. The platform removes the hassle of organizing landing pages for these items by implementing a user friendly form that creates a landing page within the website for readers/viewers to access the content.

Content topics are then linked to those trending on Twitter, to show relevant material and give you opportunity to increase the visibility of your content across the Web. What’s especially satisfying to a user using this platform is that the content can always remain alive through Hublished. Once your Webinar is over, it can still be seen on Hublished once you upload it. Once an eBook is removed from your site, it can still be read on Hublished if you so choose.

Especially with SEO being a top priority for content marketers, the more relevant and interest content you are able to keep out there, the better, and Hublished helps that come to fruition. This platform does so many things for content curation, socialization, and storing, and is only continuing to add on capabilities. They’re a company worth watching out for.

Content with your Content

If you have content to share, these are just a few of the many platforms out there that can help you with your content marketing. You shouldn’t just be content with your content as it is, sitting on your site, or only being Tweeted and posted on Facebook.


There are so many more new and creative outlets for ways to share information that you should be exploring as many of them as possible. Get your content out there! Share and discover!

By Jessica Spar

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