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Will Visuals Still Be Important for B2B Marketing in 2020?

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There are dozens of techniques and ways known to make sure your business is on top of the game. New innovative methods appear every year, and we always strive to test them out as soon as possible. It’s becoming more and more challenging to stand out from all of the competition, and if there’s any indication that you can make your brand more recognizable — I’m sure you’ll get on that bandwagon with all the others.

Because, why not? You never know what could become the key to expanding the awareness of your brand unless you try something new from time to time.

But did you notice that the only constant thing between all these trends is visual enhancements? No matter what the trend is – there’s always some kind of visual to accompany the information you deliver to the masses. It really doesn’t matter what kind of segment you are in. Let’s face it – people are lazy, and that makes your job to successfully deliver a piece of information even harder. And delivering any type of content is key to growing your business. Want to know why? Because content is king.

As GlobalEdgeMarkets, we are facing pressure to create visuals that will tell a story, not just accompany the text information. You can’t deliver a data-heavy white paper without thinking about the visuals that will go with it to help people absorb the information.

It’s been proven by countless companies that infographics are much better than written statistics to make an imprint on our minds. It’s like a ten-page document has been sorted onto little shelves in your brain, and you can access that information whenever you need without flipping through all the pages every time.

In 2020, the infographics aren’t going to be forgotten. Marketers will continue to leverage them as much as possible. Yes, it will undoubtedly be harder for brands to find those little hooks to grab a person’s attention, to stand out and deliver a real punch to their audiences. Though it’s always better to work on something challenging than to get stuck in a routine.

But simply producing an infographic isn’t enough. You have to think about the distribution as well as content partnerships and paid promotions. To really stand out, it will take more than a basic design to make a splash. It may take serious investments, research, and design innovations to bring your voice to the masses.

Though we do recommend to invest budget and time in the quality and uniqueness of the infographics, to make it useful and (yes, we are bold enough to say it out loud) viral for your audience. Better make one impressive instead of dozens unnoticed.

The other big thing is creating short videos. As you may have read in our Video Statistics blog post, short videos are going to flood the creative space of b2b marketing. I can’t stress enough about how crucial it is to have video content in your tool-kit.

To think about it, the whole point of marketing is to deliver a story that a particular audience will relate to. Creating a short video is a brilliant way to tell a story and explain why they should trust your brand and buy whatever it is you’re selling.

Marketing videos no longer have to be 30 or 60 seconds long. In fact, our survey has shown that people prefer to watch 10-second videos that go straight to the point. It could literally be anything from a how-to video to a case study that will show your company’s potential.

Another thing that will be huge next year is visuals within blogs and different types of collaterals. Just think about how big is your audience and how many people you can possibly reach. Blog posts have always been a great source of information, and having them backed up by graphics will increase your engagement by numerous times.

Viewers that have shown interest by clicking on your emails, filling out forms, or actively seeking your blog will gladly come back to see what else you can offer them in terms of information. But to keep them engaged, this content still needs the right window dressing. Any long format piece of content will be far easier to digest with the right support visuals.

Now, let’s talk about social media. I have no problem admitting that I’m very dependent on social media. I love to use every platform available from Twitter to Instagram to Pinterest, etc. And I’m sure you do, too. So how can you leverage time spent on social media and make it work in your favor? It’s been estimated that 89% of communication will be visual in 2020. For us, as marketers, it means endless possibilities in promoting a brand or making the collateral more appealing to the masses. You might not believe it at first, but great visuals don’t just have the power to influence buying decisions. They also have the ability to make you dependent on hearing, or in our case, seeing any kind of news from the company or a brand.

Also, don’t forget about the timing. It’s essential to understand your audience’s behavior on their path to making a purchase. If you create distinct visuals for each stage of the buyer’s journey, you’ll create a more satisfying customer experience. And, as a result, you’ll convert prospects into customers faster.


All I want to say is, pay attention to your audience’s interests and needs. If they tend to engage with statistics – create an awesome infographic. If you see that your videos have more views than your written blog posts – create more videos! It’s that simple. Don’t think of your audience as something complicated and chaotic. They are all normal people just like you and me, and everyone likes to be heard. So if you see that your audience needs something more engaging, in 2020, invest in good visuals and watch your company skyrocket in terms of recognition and brand awareness. Contact Us

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